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AfriForum’s head of Policy and Action, Ernst Roets has won the case over the charge of contempt
Old South African flag - Roets not in contempt of court
AfriForum's Ernst Roets reacts to Senekal violence
Roets responds after charges dismissed
Nelson Mandela Foundation vs AfriForum| Litigation over old flag tweet
Ernst Roets presenting to Parliament about Expropriation Without Compensation
Afriforum's Ernst Roets and NMF's Luzuko Koti react to court ruling on apartheid flag tweet
AfriForum continues defense against Land Expropriation
Mystery witness at State Capture Inquiry
Afriforum accused of acquiring evidence unlawfully
Solidarity, Afriforum threaten legal action over tourism equity fund: Morne Malan
Forum Nuus: AfriForum-streeksberaad in Wes-Kaap fokus op groeiende federalisme 15-08-2022